As explained in my other blog, the CR-712 do not require any security code. What I did step-by-step as follows;
1) Detach the front dash panel, including the cigarette lighter assy. I could see bunch of wires connected to the old stereo system. I could also read on a black box connected among the bunch of wires as SONY! So I knew that previous owner might have used a SONY player (that's why he detached it!).

2) I recognize the wires from the label on it, I could see wires labelled to LEFT CH and RIGHT CH which I beleive the left and right speaker. To test, I used a 1.5V battery and connect through the positive and negative wires of the speaker; the speaker buzz! In my case, there's only 2 speakers installed in this car, the front doors speakers. Rear door panel is fully closed (although have speaker grill outside), the rear panel is also fully flat with no speaker hole (seems like original setup). Thus, I decided to connect only the existing front speakers.
3) Now let us see the CR-712 setup. They are simplified as below;
Blu - Switched +12V power, only have power supply when key is switched.
Red - Power to antenna.
Blk - Chassis ground.
Grn - Constant +12V power, always supply power, mainly for unit memory.
Wht/stripe - Left Front speaker +ve wire.
Wht - Left Front speaker -ve wire.
Blu/stripe - Right Front speaker +ve wire.
Lt blu - Right Front speaker -ve wire.

I could identify easily speaker wires and antenna wires from the old unit connection. However it is quite tricky to identify the switched power and constant 12V power supply wire. To identify them, I test one-by-one using a multimeter. One show 12V even with no key switched (constant supply) while the other showed only 12V after key is switched (switched supply). Voila, almost done.
4) Simple enough. Detach battery! Cut and connect them nicely according to the functions. Of course I have inserted the unit before I pulled the bunch of wires from the head unit below for cut and connect.

5) Everything is done. Tested. Voila both speakers sounds good. I was happy until I close the front door. The speaker of that driver's door stopped functioning. Which then requires me to detach the panel and see what happened. Huh, a Pioneer speakers set, what a good speaker! The problem is with the terminals connecting to the speaker it self. It has detached. Simple fix, cut an solder them! Now both are functioning well!!

It seems simple but not that simple. Thanks to a mate, Nasran for his help as well, for his 'magic soldering iron' which only uses gas, so it is very portable to solder the speaker terminals, and Hasfarin who came out from the house and smile after listening to the 'new noise'! I might not be so detail in here, you are most welcome to ask me through comments to this posts or even emails; more than glad to receive them.

Click on pictures for bigger view! Good Day all!
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